Tuesday 13 December 2016


This year has just happened very fast. I hate the increase of hotness of these 
months here in Santiago and I cannot wait for leaving when barely classes finishing. 
The truth is that I have not planed anything yet but certainly it will be great some
 weeks for relaxing. At the moment I want to travel to the south of Chile and visit 
Temuco, Chiloe and Villarica. I do not know the south and it will be an exciting
 experience being there, enjoying of magic views, people and food. Also knowing 
the situation of people that lives there, agriculture and the most important thing: 
The beginning of an eco village in Púa near Temuco, there is a land that will be 
destined to a community ecovillage this summer by a student of Agriculture but 
not of my own university. As far as I understand the first thing that will be done will
 be the construction of a clay oven and the planting of some herbaceous plants but 
as time goes by, the village is expected to generate its own renewable energy.
 I think that will be amazing working on that, share knowledges and learning about 
self-managed work and not depend on institutions but on our own community work. 
Anyone who wants to contribute is completely welcome. The only condition is want 
to do it. I hope to continue growing as a person and this summer there is no doubt
 that it will be so.

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